Tuesday, May 24, 2011

At 5 Months...

James, at 5 months...

You eat 7 oz bottles 4 times a day and a 4 oz snack at 5am, time to start cereal!

You love hearing songs, feeling textures with your hands(couch, bumbo)

You reach up into a pike position to grab your toes and roll to your side (not all the way over!)

You love to make LOTS of noise talking, yelling, shreiking....

We are working so hard on napping...most days you wake up after 45 minutes driving mommy crazy

You giggle sometimes but mostly show happiness by opening your mouth silently and huge

You have started to recognize when we are getting your bottle

You will hold things and shake to hear noise, or put right in your mouth

You like to be James the rocket ship with daddy

You go to bed around 7pm

You wear 6 month from carters and 6-12 too!