Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Baby

I wish I had started this blog a year ago.

Isn't that always the way? I once saw a quote (who am I kidding, it was a Facebook status update) that said "a year from now you'll be glad you started today. If only I had seen it last year!

I suppose I should say I wish I had started last April 22. That was the day I found out we were going to become a family of three, the Three Lips we would be. If I had started writing things down then perhaps I would remember more details or be more in the moment, but today I want to seize the opportunity to remember little moments, past and present, that have put my life back together again as someone's mom, a family member, a new purpose.

It was an ordinary day, a Thursday. Hubs and I went to dinner at our favorite "fancy pizza" place down the street and had a glass of wine or two. We were feeling happy that Spring had sprung. I had been to a day Red Sox Patriots Day game on Monday and would go to another with my sister in a couple of days, my favorite summer treat. Winter was left behind. We had been living in Boston for more than 6 months, settling in to the life that we had been working towards for a long time. We had been looking for a house for-freaking-ever and had finally maybe seen one that we liked. We laughed that so much was happening, whatifthebabywasfinallyhappeningtoo, OMG. Then we tiptoed home over the cobblestone, wondering. Some (liquid) courage made me just march up the 3 flights of our walkup to take a pregnancy test that was squirreled away in the back of my medicine cabinet. I didn't even tell Steve I was doing it. I just walked out and said: "Hon." I remember I felt a wave wash over me, of happiness, calm and a sprinkling of terror. Were we ready for this? I wasn't sure, and gosh I am feeling guilty for even admitting that, but COMEON its so true.

That was just the beginning of the adventure we are a-livin' in now. I hope I can always remember the feeling of clarity I had as I looked down at those two blue lines as they came into view, and the look of pure delight I saw in Hubs' eyes as he reached to hug our thousandth hug that was a special one that day.

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